This conference took place at ANJE, Porto, 18th November 2022.
The 1st International Conference
Streets are more than ever a social space, to meet and to move. Spaces of interactions and conflicts. Spaces for cultural and economic activities. Ecological spaces for flora and fauna. Human spaces that are full of individual and collective histories. Streets are physical spaces that are constructed layer by layer, adding and replacing components and sub-systems, changing streets every time into contemporary spaces.
Today challenges are very divers and interrelated with each other. Social and sustainable topics are already shaping our daily (urban) living environment: new energy sources are emerging and adapting our mobility patterns and forms, proximity is upcoming as an important value in urbanism, and sustainable approaches are transforming our lifestyles and on our society: culturally and economically. All aspects that are influencing how street are being and will be used, designed, and planned.
The conference exists of three main sessions: CONCEPTS – Objectives and Methodologies; ACTION – Actors and Participation; PLANNING – Strategies & Long Time. In the closing session WHAT’S NEXT a bridge will be made from instruments to the field of local planning practices. The conference count with a diverse group of experts form Europe and Portugal to explore and discuss with the audience the Future Design of Streets!
What is the Future Design of Streets?
the Future Design of Streets platform aims to connect knowledge, experience and people together. This started in 2020 with a first international webinar with inspiring guest speakers from different background and cultures. The second webinar followed in spring 2021, and in the same year an edition was dedicated to the city of Porto. In this following year – 2022 – we continued organising debates with others guests, and more recently we organised another City Edition (this time Braga). This year the first International Conference will be hold in Porto.
For whom?
Streets are belonging to all of us. Citizens, entrepreneurs, and visitors. the Future Design of Streets platform community is formed by different professional disciplines that are involved in public space and street design. From landscape architects to traffic engineers, from sociologist to historians, from citizens to politics, from municipalities to design offices. At this moment, the platform forms a place for inspiring persons and organisations that are willing to give a contribute to improve street design and planning.
The conference and the various webinars are reaching various target groups in Europe, as: professionals in spatial planning and design (urbanism, landscape architects, civil and mobility engineers, architects, etc.; from public sector and design/consultancy offices) and researchers, professors and students from different academic organisations.
ANJE: Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários. Casa do Farol – Rua Paulo da Gama. 4169-006 Porto
Registration to the conference includes the following parts: a full-day program with various presentations and debates, including coffee breaks and a lunch. The ANJE location offers a space to meet other professionals during the conference. For those who are interested in simultaneous interpretation – from English to Portuguese – you can indicate this in the registration form. The price is 25€, VAT included.
The conference space has a limited capacity. If you are interested, to assure your participation, we recommend to do the registration as soon as possible. Refund policy: if by any case, you are not able to join us, refunding is possible (50% of the ticket, until 26 of October 2022).
This conference took place at ANJE, Porto, 18th November 2022.

NOW – Opening
CONCEPTS – Objectives & Methodologies
ACTION – Actors & Participation
PLANNING – Strategies & Long Time
WHAT’S NEXT – Closing