To enlarge our imagination and develop new tools for better streets, the Future Design of Streets platform shares design ideas and explore new ways for street spaces, bringing together experiences and knowledge from different cities and areas. The Platform forms a knowledge centre and is involved in (strategic) design projects, (academic) research and organises various activities (workshops, debates) on street design: events | library | tools | projects.

Streets are important spaces in urban areas and form resilient collective spaces for all of us. Streets are adaptable by their ability to integrate new uses and new technologies. Now and tomorrow. Within the balance of new societal, sustainable and technological challenges and demands, street design must be redefined. What are possible new strategies for street design? Who is using the street space? How can we design to improve streets?

It is clear that streets are more than a space for mobility flows only. Enlarging the spectrum of street design with a social perspective and including nature will not only change our look to streets, but will brings us new possibilities and challenges on how to organise and design streets in the coming decades. Our platform operates with both academic and planning organisations, as municipalities, design offices, research centres and universities.

Since 2020, four international webinar series, three city editions and an international conference were organised, bringing together more than 100 people: from 18 countries and different professional fields. In these events, we reached a broad and diverse public from different areas as: designers (architecture, landscape architects, urban planners), engineers (mobility, infrastructure), researchers (sociology, economy, spatial disciplines) and specialist within the public sector (municipalities, governmental organisations, knowledge centres). We also reach many citizens, social organisations and politics. At the moment we count on almost 1250 persons that follow us.

Recently, many cities, towns and villages showed creative and tactile street adaptations and interventions, provide space so that people could enjoin the street space to meet, to play, to stay. In some cities this could take place with a bit of tape and paint, in others it was a key moment to implement a long term planning into practice. Facing the challenges on climate adaptation and social cohesion it become also urgent how to learn and keep the positive experiences of the last years, and how to accelerate a real and fundamental change on street design and planning.

The Platform has a legal framework as association – a non profit organisation – that is led by Daniel Casas Valle, Ivo Oliveira and Catarina Breia Dias. Its counts with the support of three Portuguese universities: Universidade do Minho – Escola de Arquitetura, Arte e Design; Universidade Portucalense – Departamento de Arquitetura e Multimédia Gallaecia; Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Arquitetura. Partners are: CCDRN, Ordem dos Arquitetos – Secção Regional Norte, International Federation of Pedestrians, Associação Portuguesa de Urbanistas and Urban Dynamics.


2024 >

Course on street planning & design (April-May), Minho University

Webinar ´Riders on the Street´ (22.02.2024)

Various City Editions (seminars, workshops)

Fórum Trofa, Mobilidade Urbana e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Fórum Do Ambiente Da Trofa (06.06.2024)

Libary on Street design (starting phase: recent inspiring street design projects + relevant literature)

Research (academic and practical-based)

Other activities: Several professional workshops (municipalities, professionals, projects, planning); Several presentations at conferences and debates; Competition of Future Streets; Exhibition (on several places)



Webinar series 4th Edition

Exhibition at OASRN (15th February – 19th April)

City edition, webinar, Valencia

Foundation Association

Participation Open Streets Summer School, Brussels, organised by Filter Café Filtré Atelier

Moderation of discussion table at Eurocities Mobility, in Porto

Publication of the Book the Future Design of Streets

Ruas Viva – workshop + debate – Costa Caparica, Almada municipality

Book release Portugal: in the European week of Mobility – Vila Nova de Gaia municipality + Almada municipailty

Open classes – Universidade Portucalense (20.10.2023) + ISCTE (30.10.2023)

Presentation / Debate at ´Para quando menos carros no Porto?´, Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto), organised by ZERO/Público

Presentation / Debate at Dia Mundial do Urbanismo, Vila Real

Book release Europe: upcoming 09.11.2023



Webinar series 3rd Edition

Presentation at Viana Praxis, Viana do Castelo

City edition, webinar, Braga

City edition, webinar, Pontevedra (as part of Placemaking Europe international event)

Conference and Exhibition (18th November; with financial support of Foundation for Science and Technology)



Webinar series 2nd Edition

City edition, webinar, Porto

Presentation at Viana Praxis, Viana do Castelo

the Future Design of Streets Platform, start

Participation at a professional workshop in Lyon (Lyon municipality, Lyon region, METREX)



Webinar series 1st Edition

Website launch

Debate and Workshop at Universidade do Minho



Start of the project the Future Design of Streets




the Future Design of Streets - organisation and partners logos


´the Future Design of Streets Association´

the Platform has a legal framework as an association

a non-profit organisation

NIF/VAT: PT517434539

WEBSITE - DONATE button - green