Streets are essential places where you can meet friends, your neighbours, and many others. Streets are important social spaces in our daily living environment, they offer space for flora & fauna, and they are spaces for all kind of mobility movements.
To enlarge our imagination and conceptual thinking to develop new tools for better streets, the platform the Future Design of Streets organises various events to share design ideas and explore new ways for street spaces, bringing together experiences and knowledge from different cities and areas. The exhibition forms an overview on street design, capturing contemporary topics and resilient systems that give answers to challenges of today and tomorrow. It forms a reflection based on the three webinar series, the two city editions and various presented works of the Future Design of Streets platform (period 2020-2022).
In actual dynamic times, which poses many challenges in society – social inclusiveness, health, sustainability, ecology, economy, mobility, technology – the way streets are designed does matter. This exhibition is organised among ten key topics that determines the scope and assignment of future street design, namely: urban depth – typology – activities – ground floor – plants & soil – water & air – walkability – mobility & accessibility – reversible approaches – priorities.
The authors of the exhibition are: Daniel Casas Valle, Ivo Oliveira and Catarina Dias.
WHERE: Ordem dos Arquitectos, Norte, Porto – Rua Álvares Cabral nº 144, 4050-040 Porto
Photos: © Joana Graça, OASRN and the Future Design of Streets Association
As ruas são os espaços de excelência onde encontramos os nossos amigos, vizinhos e e um leque diverso de muitas outras pessoas.
As ruas são espaços sociais, onde, entre a presença da fauna e flora, convivemos e experienciamos a diversidade de movimentos e fluxos, inerentes à vida urbana.
Para ampliar a nossa imaginação e o pensamento crítico e teórico, que permitam desenvolver novas ferramentas para o desenho de melhores ruas, a plataforma the Future Design of Streets organiza vários eventos, com intuito de explorar ideias e alternativas para os espaços da rua,contribuindo com vários tipos de conhecimento e experiências, de lugares e contextos distintos.
A exposição apresenta uma visão global do desenho da rua, dos seus desafios actuais, e, revela a importância das estruturas resilientes aplicadas ao nosso dia-a-dia, e ao amanhã. Reunimos os temas mais relevantes que foram discutidos ao longo de três webinars, duas city editions e outros debates realizados pela plataforma the Future Design of Streets (2020-2022).
Num contexto de enormes desafios para a sociedade, compreendemos que a inclusão social, saúde, sustentabilidade, ecologia, economia, mobilidade e tecnologia, são princípios fundamentais para o pensamento e o desenho das ruas. Esta exposição é organizada através de 10 tópicos que definem os objectivos e compromissos do desenho e de planeamento das ruas, e que são: urban depth – typology – activities – ground floor – plants& soil – water & air – walkability – mobility & accessibility – reversible approaches – priorities.
Os autores desta exposição são: Daniel Casas Valle, Ivo Oliveira e Catarina Breia Dias.
LOCAL: Ordem dos Arquitectos, Norte, Porto – Rua Álvares Cabral nº 144, 4050-040 Porto

Daniel Casas Valle
Daniel is an urbanist – urban designer and planner – with a broad experience based on urban planning practices and academic activities. He is for more than two decades connected to urbanism, as a designer and researcher. Currently, he is working on various urban design projects and planning studies at his office Urban Dynamics in Porto/Amsterdam and at the MDT/CEAU/FAUP as a researcher. Daniel operates in various stages of planning processes, from the elaboration of an assignment brief, studies on specific themes as ´active and healthy space´ or ´street design and planning´, to concrete spatial plans and urban designs. Also he gives reflective contributions in writings, presentations, workshops and debates.
Daniel holds a master on urbanism (Amsterdam, NL), and completed his PhD at the Faculty of Architecture, Porto University, in 2018 (cum laude).
Ivo Oliveira
Architect (FAUP, Porto, 2000) with a Master in Architecture Territory and Memory (FCTUC, Coimbra, 2007) and PHD (EAUM, Guimarães, 2015). Professor at the EAUM since 2004, and since 2015 researcher of LAB2PT at Minho University. Is researcher on topics as road infrastructure and public space in widely urbanized territory. Ivo contributed to different research work as “NO Void – Ruins and vacant land in Portuguese cities: exploring the dark life of abandoned urban spaces and alternative planning proposals for the perforated city” (2015-19) and “The Sea and the Shore, Architecture and Marine Biology: The Impact of Sea Life on the Built Environment” (2018-20). He is director of the Integrated Master in Architecture program and member of UM-Cities board from 2017, a platform that seeks to promote and value exemplary practices in the city and territory, namely how they can contribute to a more sustainable and fair society.
Catarina Breia Dias
Catarina Breia Dias, Cacém (1994). Master’s in architecture at the Lisbon School of Architecture (2018). Catarina has been working as an architect between Lisbon, Ghent and Porto. Currently she holds a fellowship from Lab2PT, at Minho’s University, where she is working at The Future Design of Streets Platform. Catarina advocates for a social, multicultural and age inclusive city, a cohesive territory on the city centre, but also the outskirts, and, for new paradigms that bring out the community involvement within the design process.