To enlarge our imagination and develop new tools for better streets, the Future Design of Streets association shares ideas and explores new ways for street design—projects and processes—bringing together experiences and knowledge from different areas.

We are a knowledge platform involved in several projects (academic research, strategic planning, manuals, street design) and organising various exchange activities (workshops, courses, debates, conferences, exhibitions).

We work together with designers, researchers, planners, politicians, and citizens. We also published a book about streets.

Here is a video compilation of our previous webinar series.

the Future Design of Streets association

is a non-profit organisation

NIF/VAT: PT517434539

WEBSITE - DONATE button - green

We appreciate your donation!

With it, we can continue to share ideas and experiences on how to create better streets.

Together with designers, researchers, and citizens, we work on alternative narratives and design possibilities for street design.
